TRUST law firm has a rich service record of successful projects both national, and international level. Such high achievements became possible thanks to professionalism and purposefulness of our team and as a result of faultless reputation of the Firm in the market of legal services. TRUST is proud of successes which brightest indications are our realized projects:
- Expert assessment and conclusion preparation according to projects of participation of the firm Philips Electronics N.V. in privatization in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;
- Legal support of acquisition by the client at the Ford Motors company controlling interest in Ford Union (Belarus);
- Preparation of the expert opinion on projects with participation of the IRIDIUM LLC company in Belarus;
- Legal support of the transaction on acquisition by JSC Baltic Brewery of interest of JSC Krinitsa (the chief producer of beer in the Republic of Belarus);
- Legal support on investment of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development in authorized capital of JSC Olivariya Beer Factory;
- Consultation on preparation and holding of tenders on equipment purchase at the expense of state budget of the Republic of Belarus;
- Representation of interests of the leading cigarette company in Belarus in anti-dumping investigation which was carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and as result the investigation termination without introduction of special protective measures against the client;
- Realization of legal examination of the main telecommunication projects which are carried out by the foreign companies in Belarus;
- Preparation of constituent documents and registration more than 500 enterprises with foreign investments in the territory of Belarus;
- Drafting of documents regulating activity of Economic Court of the Commonwealths of Independent States, in particular Conventions on the status of judges of Economic Court of the Commonwealths of Independent States, Regulations on Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States;
- Drafting of a project of the Bank code of the Republic of Belarus, new edition of the Law "About Investment Activity in the Republic of Belarus" and preparation of scientific and practical comments for the Civil code of the Republic of Belarus.